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Application guide for international students留学生申请指南

【来源: | 发布日期:2018-03-22 】

留学生申请指南一、学院概况四川交通职业技术学院是公办全日制普通高等学校,隶属于四川省交通运输厅,始建于1952年。学院是国家示范性高等职业院校、四川省高端技术技能型本科试点院校、全国职业院校就业竞争力示范校、全国职业教育先进单位、全国文明单位。学院位于成都市温江区,占地1033亩,全日制在校生13000余人。设有道路与桥梁工程系、汽车工程系、运输工程系、航运工程系、轨道交通工程系、信息工程系、建筑工程系、机电工程系、经济管理系、人文艺术系、公共课教学部和思想政治理论课教学部12个教学系部。开设本科专业2个,专科专业45个,其中国家示范专业4个、省级示范专业4个、省级重点专业4个。现有教职工1000余人,其中教授、教授级高级工程师、研究员27人,副教授、高级工程师、副研究员和博士研究生150余名,有省级教学团队4个,享受国务院特殊津贴专家1人,中组部“万人计划”教学名师1人,国家高层次人才特殊支持计划教学名师1人,全国模范教师1人,四川省学术和技术带头人1人,四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选 2人,四川省教学名师4人,交通运输部交通职业教育专业带头人5人。图书馆藏书120万册,教学仪器设备总值1.9亿元,固定资产5.8亿元。建有国家级实训基地1个,校内实训面积达11万平方米,校外实训基地超过200个。学院立足交通,面向市场,服务社会,以“建一流师资队伍、育一流技能人才、办一流高职院校”为目标,坚持“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,走产学研结合的发展道路”的办学方针,积极探索“校企合作,工学结合”的人才培养模式,已形成“引名企入校园,融专业入社会,育高素质人才”的办学特色。人才培养质量得到社会广泛认可,有享受国务院政府特殊津贴的桥梁专家、全国五一劳动奖章获得者、交通运输部“交通运输行业科技特殊贡献奖”、“十佳全国公路优秀科技工作者”、“交通运输行业科技创新领军人才”四川省工程设计大师牟廷敏,有在第44届世界技能大赛上获得“汽车技术”项目银牌、实现了中国在这个赛项上奖牌零的突破的杨文浩等优秀毕业生和在校生代表。历年来,学院就业率始终保持在96%以上。数以万计的毕业生已经成为了交通建设、管理一线的重要力量,在四川乃至经济社会发展中发挥着积极作用。为提高国际化办学水平,学院按照国家相关政策,积极探索国际交流合作渠道,扩大国际交往,在联合办学、师资交流、课程引进等方面卓有成效地开展了工作。先后与新加坡博文学院(Portman Business School)、加拿大戴尔特-泰尔弗国际商学院(Delter – Telfort International Business Institute)和加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚理工学院(British Columbia Institute of Technology)签订联合办学协议;与老挝琅南塔省教育厅签订留学生项目合作协议;与德国F+U、加拿大红河学院、奥地利布劳瑙高等职业学校、澳大利亚西悉尼学院、马来西亚马来亚大学、香港职业训练局等国(境)外教育机构签署合作备忘录;与台湾朝阳科技大学和台北城市科技大学签署协议并实施交换生项目;还与丰田、宝马、奥迪、大众等国际知名企业合作建立培训基地,开展职业证书培训。近年来,英国、德国、俄罗斯、加拿大等国的教育机构先后到学院访问,进行教育交流活动。二、专业、计划和学制招生专业 招生计划 学制 学历汽车运用及维修技术 20人 3年 大专工程造价 20人 3年 大专电子信息工程技术 20人 3年 大专物流管理 20人 3年 大专三、申请条件学生类别 申请条件 年龄 需提供材料专科生 具有高中或高中以上学历、取得汉语水平HSK3级证书或者相当于汉语水平HSK3级水平 18—26周岁 最终学历证明书、HSK证书所有申请者需提供如下材料:入学申请表、护照复印年、学历证明复印件、体检表、2张护照照片、个人简历。四、奖学金(一)提供学费、住宿费、书籍费、保险费等额的奖学金;(二)提供生活补助:600元/人.月,每年按十个月计发。五、申请程序学院与老挝、马来西亚、泰国、孟加拉国、巴基斯坦等 “一带一路”国家的政府部门、大学、中学签订人才培养协议,凡有意愿来我院留学的境外公民,请自行前往中国驻上述国家侨务使领馆及华人华侨社团组织索取留学生招生宣传资料并提出书面申请。学院驻有关国家招生小组的联系方式通过学院官方媒体另行公布。六、学院留学生申请联系方式 地址:四川省成都市温江区柳台大道208号 邮编:611130电话/传真:86+28+82681012 86+28+82680064 邮箱:davidliu838@sina.com vannyf@foxmail.com网站:http://www.svtcc.edu.cn/附件:2018年留学生招生专业介绍2018年留学生招生专业介绍1、汽车运用与维修技术Automobile applied technology汽车运用与维修技术隶属于汽车工程系,该系建成了“学院专任教师+名企培训师+维修企业技师”的高水平双师结构教学团队。有教职员工95名,其中教授4人,副教授及高级工程师15人,双师素质教师44人,36人通过汽车制造厂商培训讲师培训和认证。拥有四川省高校交通安全重点实验室。与宝马、奥迪等9大全球国际知名汽车品牌厂商深度合作,在校内共建拥有培训基地,实现了实训车辆和设备与市场同步更新,学生在学习期间能掌握市场最新技术,实训设备和教学条件国际领先。汽车运用与维修技术专业是中央财政支持国家示范建设专业,教育部精品专业。培养方向:本专业面向汽车后市场,与丰田、奥迪、宝马、上汽大众、一汽大众、东风雪铁龙、东风标致、东风本田、东风日产等世界知名汽车制造厂商和区域内高端品牌集团化企业开展校企合作,培养具备汽车维修行业从业人员必备的专业基础理论知识,熟悉汽车机电维修、故障诊断与排除、维修接待等基本技能,能胜任汽车运用与维修、车辆维修接待、生产管理等岗位的高素质技能型人才。就业方向:学生毕业时具有中、高级汽车维修工资格,能够胜任汽车机电维修、汽车维修接待、汽车零配件管理、职业院校双师型教师、汽车维修企业生产经营管理等岗位工作。职业发展定位为汽车维修高级技师和维修企业中高层管理人员。2、工程造价Project cost工程造价专业隶属于建筑工程系,该系现有教职工53人,专业教师38人,其中教授、副教授、高级工程师10名,讲师、工程师20人,具有硕士学位16名,形成老、中、青结合的学术梯队。教师具有较高的教学水平和科研水平,部分教师还取得了国家注册执业资格,成为双师型教师。同时加强与企业的合作,从企业聘请了60余人,建立兼职教师资源库。目前在校生1700余人。培养方向: 本专业培养土建类工程项目建设过程中,进行工程造价管理、合同管理、信息管理,并具备熟练编制和审核招标、投标文件和投标书综合评定的能力,工程造价相关技术文件的高素质技能型人才。学生可取得预算员、造价员岗位证书。 就业方向: 毕业生主要面向工程造价咨询公司、建筑施工单位、房地产开发公司、工程建设监理单位、会计师事务所、各类企事业单位及政府部门从事相关工作。 3、电子信息工程技术Electronic and information engineering technology电子信息技术专业隶属于信息工程系,该系现有在校生近1500人。现有教职工52人、外籍教师6人;专任教师32人、兼职教师16人;其中高级职称26人,中级职称14人;博士研究生4人,硕士研究生38人;国家教学名师1人,省级教学团队1个。培养方向:本专业与英特尔、斯比泰电子、深圳瑞普斯等知名企业合作,培养掌握电子电器基本知识与操作技能,具有较强的嵌入式系统应用及信息处理能力,了解企业管理、产品营销常识,适合在电子信息及相关企业研发、生产及服务第一线从事研发、研发助理、生产管理、设备维护、质量管理、技术支持、市场营销等工作的复合式创新性高素质技能型人才。就业方向:主要面向电子产品设计与制造企业,从事电子开发产品测试、产品推广、项目管理、生产管理、质量管理、工艺管理与培训、技术支持、售后服务等工作4、物流管理Logistics management物流管理专业隶属于运输工程系,该系现有教职员工30余人,校内外兼职教师20人,其中教授5名、副教授9名、博士5名、硕士19名,双师比例100%。在校生数量700余名。物流管理专业是省级精品专业、国家示范性高职院校建设地方财政支持重点建设的专业。培养方向: 本专业紧密结合物流行业发展及企业实际,培养熟悉物流相关法律法规,掌握物流管理的基本理论、基本知识、基本方法、基本技术与技能,能胜任物流企业和工商企业物流业务运作、物流运营管理等工作的高素质技能型人才。 就业方向: 毕业后在物流企业或生产企业物流部门从事物流业务开发、商品采购、货物储存管理、货物运输组织、货物配送、客户服务等工作。Application Guide for International Students Wishing to Study at Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Communications in Year of 2018I. SVTCC ProfileSichuan Vocational and Technical College of Communications (hereinafter referred to as SVTCC), is a public college which was established in 1952 and is affiliated to the Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation. It is accredited as a model for higher vocational education by the Ministry of Education of China, namely, one of the 100 top vocational colleges across China. It is a pilot college for high-end technological and skilled undergraduate programs in Sichuan Province, a national model college for employment competitiveness, a national advanced unit of vocational education and a national civilization unit.SVTCC is located in Wenjiang District, Chengdu City, covering an area of 1033 mu, with more than 13000 students enrolled. The academic part of SVTCC is organized into 10 departments, namely, Department of Road and Bridge Engineering, Department of Automotive Engineering, Department of Economic Management, Department of Information Engineering, Department of Electro-mechanical Engineering, Department of Architectural Engineering, Department of Humanities and Art, Department of Transportation Engineering, Department of Marine Engineering and Department of Rail Transport Engineering, offering 2 undergraduate programs and 45 diploma programs, including 4 national demonstration programs, 4 provincial demonstration programs and 4 provincial key programs. There are about 1000 faculty staff, including 27 professors, professorate senior engineers and research fellows, about 150 associate professors, senior engineers, associate researchers and teachers with Ph. D , 4 provincial-level teaching teams, 1 State Council Expert for Special Allowance, 1 teaching master of "Ten thousand plan" of CPC Central Organization Department, 1 teaching master of the Special Support Plan for National High Level Talents, 1 national model teacher, 1 leading expert in academics and technology in Sichuan Province, 4 teaching masters of Sichuan Province, 5 leading program experts of the Transportation Vocational Education Society of the Ministry of Transportation of China.The library houses a collection of 1,200,000 volumes of books. The total value of the teaching facilities is 190 million RMB yuan and the fixed assets are 580 million RMB yuan. There is 1 national training base. The on-campus training area is 110,000 square meters and there are more than 200 off-campus training bases.Policy of Running School: Transportation-based, Market-oriented, Serving the Society. Education model: Trade Dominated, Associations Connected, Enterprises Cooperated.Features of Running School: Cooperating with Renowned Institutions and Companies Home and Abroad; Serving positively the Communications Sector and the Regional Economy.Mission of Running School: First-class faculty staff, First-class professionals, First-class vocational college.Over the past decades, SVTCC has nurtured tens of thousands of graduates for the society, with the employment rate over 96%. Most of them have been playing important and irreplaceable roles in the communications sector, dedicating themselves to the social and economic development of Sichuan and even the western China. The quality of education and training is widely recognized by the society. There are many outstanding graduates and students, represented by Mr. Mou Tingmin the well-known bridge design master in China and Mr. Yang Wenhao the second-year student who won the silver medal of "car technology "project in the 44th World Skills Competition.In the situation of educational globalization, SVTCC attaches great importance to international exchanges. It has endeavored strenuously to develop joint programs, faculty and student exchanges, curriculum cooperation, etc. with foreign educational institutions and well-known companies. Over the past years, it signed agreements for cooperation with Canada British Columbia Institute of Technology, and inked memorandums of understanding for cooperation with Germany F+U, Canada Red River College, Austria HTL Braunau, Australia West Sydney Institute, Malaysia UM and Hong Kong VTC, and implemented the short-term studies programs for students with Taiwan Chaoyang University of Technology and Taipei City University of Technology. It has established training bases jointly with TOYOTA, BMW, AUDI, VALKSWAGON, PEUGEOT, CITROEN, etc. for professional qualification certificate training. In recent years, educational institutions from Canada, UK, Germany, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, etc., paid visits to SVTCC and established friendly relationship, laying a good foundation for potential cooperation.II. Programs, Plans and Academic SystemProgram Plan Academic duration CredentialAutomobile applied technology 20 students 3 years DiplomaProject cost 20 students 3 years DiplomaElectronic and information engineering technology 20 students 3 years DiplomaLogistics and management 20 students 3 years DiplomaIII. Application PrerequisiteCategory Eligibility Age Materials to be submittedDiploma students Senior high school graduate or above with the certificate of HSK Level 3 or Chinese competency equivalent to HSK Level 3 18-26 year-old The highest diploma and the certificate of HSKNotes: all applicants are required to submit the following materials: the application form, the photo copy of the passport, the photo copy of the certificate/diploma, the physical examination form, the 2 passport photos, and the resume.IV. Scholarship1. Full scholarship covering tuition, accommodation, textbooks, insurance, etc.2. Food allowance: 600 RMB yuan per month for each student, based on the academic year (10 months).V. Application procedureSVTCC signs agreement of international students recruitment with educational administrative authorities, institutions, high schools of the countries along the Belt and Road, including the Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc. All those wishing to study at SVTCC are advised to go to the Chinese embassies or general consulates and overseas Chinese organizations in the afore-mentioned countries to obtain the SVTCC international students recruitment guidebook and submit written application form. The contact information of the SVTCC recruitment office based in the relevant countries will be released on the SVTCC website.VI. ContactAddress: 208 Liutai Avenue East, Wenjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, P.R. ChinaTel/Fax: 86 + 28+82681012 86+28+82680064Email: davidliu838@sina.com vannyf@foxmail.comWebsite: http://www.svtcc.edu.cn/Attachments:Introduction about Programs for international students - 2018Introduction about Programs for international students - 20181. Automobile Applied TechnologyThe program is part of the Automotive Engineering Department. The Department has established a high level teacher-engineer faculty staff, consisting of full-time teachers, trainers and maintenance technicians from famous enterprises. There are 95 teaching staff, including 4 professors, 15 associate professors and senior engineers, 44 teacher-engineers, 36 vehicle manufacture accredited trainers. It possesses the Key Sichuan Universities Laboratory of Traffic Safety. It has established close partnership with 9 global well-known international automobile brands, including BMW, Audi and so on, and jointly built on-campus training bases, where the training vehicles and equipment are kept updated with the market and students can learn the latest technology. Training equipment and teaching facilities remain internationally advanced. Automobile Applied Technology is a model program funded by the central government, one of classic programs of the Ministry of Education.Education Orientation:Aiming at the car after-sales market, the program has established close cooperation with TOYOTA, Audi, BMW, Volkswagen, FAW Volkswagen, Dongfeng Citroen, Dongfeng Peugeot, Dongfeng Honda, Dongfeng Nissan and other world-renowned high-end automobile manufacturers, training job-ready students of high-quality who have the essential expertise in automobile maintenance and are skilled at automotive electrical and mechanical maintenance, troubleshooting maintenance reception, etc.Employment Orientation:The graduates obtain middle and high level qualifications for vehicle maintenance, and fit for the jobs in automotive electromechanical maintenance, vehicle maintenance reception, auto parts management, teacher-engineers in vocational college, production and operation management of automobile maintenance enterprises, etc. The employment targets at the position of senior technician and middle and high level management in the sector of automobile maintenance industries.2. Project costThe program is subordinate to the Department of Architectural Engineering. There are 53 faculty members and 38 full-time teachers, including 10 professors, associate professors and senior engineers, 20 lecturers and engineers, 16 teachers with master degree. Teachers are excellent at teaching and scientific research, some of whom have obtained nationally-registered qualification. It has established close partnership with industries, employing about 60 professionals from enterprises. There are about 1700 students enrolled at present.Education Orientation:The program targets at training professionals of high-quality who are engaged in project cost management, contract management, data management, and skilled at compiling and examining bidding and tender documents and other technical documents associated with project cost. The graduates obtain qualifications of the budgeter and the cost member.Employment Orientation:Graduates are job-ready for project cost consulting companies, construction companies, real estate development companies, project supervision companies, accounting firms, various enterprises and institutions, and government departments.3. Electronic and Information Engineering TechnologyThe program is subordinate to the Department of Information Engineering. There are 52 faculty members, 6 foreign teachers, 32 full-time teachers and 16 part-time teachers, including 26 professors and associate professors, 14 lecturers, 4 doctoral candidates, 38 masters, 1 national teaching master, and 1 provincial-level teaching team. There are about 1700 students enrolled at present.Education Orientation:Having established close cooperation with well-known enterprises, including Intel, Speed-tech electronics, Shenzhen QPS etc., the program focuses on training professionals who are skilled at embedded system and information processing, business management, product marketing, and fit for the jobs in the sector of electronic information related to research and development, assistance to R & D, product management, equipment maintenance, quality control, technical support, marketing, etc.Employment Orientation:Graduates primarily work in electronic product design and manufacturing enterprises, engaging in electronic development product testing, product promotion, project management, production management, quality control, process management and training, technical support, after-sales service and so on.4. Logistics and managementThe program is part of the Department of Transportation Engineering. There are about 30 faculty members and 20 part-time teachers, including 5 professors, 9 associate professors, 5 Ph.D., 19 masters, and 100% teacher-engineers. The program is one of the provincial classical programs, and model program funded by the provincial government. There are about 700 students enrolled at present.Education Orientation:Closely associated with the reality and development of logistics industry, the program targets at training professional who are familiar with relevant laws and regulations, mastering the basic theories, knowledge, methods, techniques and skills of logistics management, and fit for the jobs related to operation and management of logistics enterprises and business enterprise, logistics operation management, etc.Employment Orientation:Graduates are job-ready for logistics enterprises or logistics department of production entities, engaging in logistics business development, commodity procurement, goods storage management, freight transport organization, freight distribution, customer service and so on.